Single Parenting. Custody Arrangements. Child Support & Alimony.
More than 23 million children live in a single parent household. If you are going through a divorce and have children younger than 18, child custody can be a contentious issue. We recognize this is a difficult and emotional time for separating parents. There are various custody arrangements from sole or legal custody, joint custody and decisions regarding parental and grandparents visitation rights.
Joint custody is when parents share the decision-making jointly. Legal custody is when one parent is responsible for making decisions about important things in the children’s lives—like where they go to school, what religious instruction they will receive, whether they need academic tutoring, or psychological counseling. Physical custody refers to where the children live on a regular basis, but the other parent gets regularly scheduled time with the kids.
Throughout the Massachusetts divorce process, uppermost in all our dealings is the emotional impact the divorce process and decisions can have on the children. We will always work to resolve conflicts respectfully to reduce the negative impact it may have, but will go to court if necessary.

At DiPiano Family Law Group P.C., we are experienced in reaching Massachusetts custody agreements, whether through a mediated settlement, or via a judge’s court decision. We also are experienced in working thorough child support obligations.

DiPiano Family Law Group P.C. is experienced in these areas of family law:

Massachusetts is what is known as a “no-fault” divorce state. What this means is that you do not need to prove specific “grounds” to be divorced, like adultery, etc. All that is needed is to state that your marriage has been irretrievably broken and that it would not be in the best interests of the family to remain married.
The attorneys at DiPiano Family Law Group P.C., have extensive experience navigating divorce litigation, asset division and other cases pertaining to family law in Greater Boston, the North Shore, and throughout Massachusetts. We deliver the client experience and results you would expect from a Boston legal practice—without the heightened fees and extended commute. Our convenient Salem office is just a short drive from the neighboring towns of Beverly, Marblehead, Swampscott, Danvers, Lynnfield, and Peabody. The efficiency and value of our legal services has positioned us as the first choice for family law attorneys in Salem, Ipswich, Andover, North Andover, and other more distant Essex County communities.